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South America Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)

  • Peru

    Terelion LLC. Sucursal del Peru, Las Poncianas # 105, La Molina Vieja, Lima, Peru Office Phone: +51-1-365-2529

Europe Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

The Middle East Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

Africa Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

North America Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

Central America Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)

  • Peru

    Terelion LLC. Sucursal del Peru, Las Poncianas # 105, La Molina Vieja, Lima, Peru Office Phone: +51-1-365-2529

Asia Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)


Wherever your operation is located; our tools, services, engineers and specialists are always there for you.

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Terelion, LLC will use the personal data you provided above to respond to your question or comment. Terelion, LLC does this to fulfill our legitimate interest in providing you efficient support. Your personal data will be stored as long as necessary to meet the purpose set out above. This means that your personal data is generally stored for as long as needed to service your request. We may forward your contact details to one of our distributors or partners for them to respond to your question or comment. You always have the possibility to exercise your right to access or rectify your personal data or request us to stop processing it. For more information about your rights, go to our data privacy portal.

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