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Field Service Engineers

Terelion believes better products start with engineering, including engineering in the field. Terelion’s network of field service engineers are trained to analyze bit applications, make recommendations, aid in the development of new products, and improve the value our mining and construction clients receive from Terelion bits.


South America Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)

  • Peru

    Terelion LLC. Sucursal del Peru, Las Poncianas # 105, La Molina Vieja, Lima, Peru Office Phone: +51-1-365-2529

Europe Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

The Middle East Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

Africa Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

North America Regional Contact

Graeme McKenzie

Office: +1 469 476 5374

Mobile: +1 919 720 3556

Central America Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)

  • Peru

    Terelion LLC. Sucursal del Peru, Las Poncianas # 105, La Molina Vieja, Lima, Peru Office Phone: +51-1-365-2529

Asia Regional Contact

Miguel Jahncke

Mobile: +51 989 164 305 (Peru)

Mobile: +1 954 258 0271 (USA)



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Features and benefits

Air Testing Services
Terelion employs a fleet of air test kits that are used to provide testing services. Experienced Terelion Field Service Engineers run air tests to better understand the air flow capabilities of our customer’s drills in order to improve drill bit and total drilling cost performance.

Load Evaluations
Load Cell Evaluations or Pull Down tests are also provided by Terelion Field Service Engineers. The object is to calibrate drill readings with the test readings to gain insight into the actual axial force being applied by the drill on the drill bit. As with air testing, the goal is to improve product performance for Terelion customers.

Bit Schools
Terelion has a long tradition of providing bit schools at customer locations through Field Service Engineers. These classes not only impart drill bit knowledge and experience to mine operator personnel, they also help to focus drilling teams on drilling processes and performance improvements.